Saturday, August 30, 2008

A humble request, help me if you like what I do


Those of you who follow me, and know how hard I work to create some beauty for this world: I try my very best to get it together, and now I have all contacts I need and the knowledge to reach out there and give you my soul, love and with a little push I'll be able to travell this world and visit you to become a part of your life.

I don't need anything to keep my inspiration going, but my body needs food and the companys who are interested in promoting me, needs money to do so. So, if you'd like to by me a cup of coffe, a new soundcard, a pretty dress or just give me a small hug in a more physical shape than beutiful words (that I live of at the moment), are welcome to give a small present aftet your own taste by clicking this button. Tell me when you've done so, and I will add you to a special donation list that will give you all music I'll create in the future to you for free. This is a way for me to surrvive and you to get my singles, albums and things for one coin if that's what you think it's worth. I really really need your help right now.

Thanks and I hope that one day I can share love and help you back in return.

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