So, as always when it comes to politics, I'm a bit late. I listen, read, listen and read until I think I get it right, then I decide what to think and then I act. Today I joined demonstrations against FRA (read more: and here: in Malmö. Here come some video shoots from the very warm and calm, but also very determined demonstration.
So. WHY did I join the demonstration? Do I have something to hide? Do I not wish to fight criminals? Am I not a god member of my country and therefor willing to be open with all information I have?
Let me reply with some questions.
Do you trust your family? And even if you don't, do you think it's ok to sneak on them and their privacy?
Do you read your girl/boyfriends sms/mail/letters?
Would you track the pages your child visit on internet, the conversations he/she has in a community etc?
Would it be ok if your boss secretly listened to and recorded the conversations you and your colleague have in the lunch break or in the office?
Would you be upset if you knew that someone you didn't even know about read or listened to private dialogues between you and another person?
Maybe you have no top-secret secrets in your life, no super ideas to have patented, and no black-income or whatever going on. Maybe you don't care if people know about your sexual life, your politic color or your favorite web-site. Maybe you don't care if you live in the Matrix or not. If someone keeps track about your normal day behavior or not. Maybe you trust society and the government fully and believe that Sweden will always be a safe and democratic place to live in. Maybe you trust the military and the politicians and will let them have their ways to fight crimes and hope that only the bad people will be affected. You might believe that human beings are good. That the lines they draw will be fair and respectful. That they will never ever even think about to sell out your information to other companies that can use it to tie you around their fingers.
Maybe, in a distant future, you disagree with something happening around you. Maybe at times when you are angry or happy, broke, in love or sheathing, you'd like to absolutely keep it to yourself.
I prefer to spread my thoughts and believes in a controlled form. I like to have monopole on my words, my knowledge and my weaknesses. I prefer to be able to always choose to give away parts of myself, no matter what parts it's about.
Therefor FRA is nothing I can accept.
I will take the consequences of blogging and discussing things in forums, but at least - I wanna know that what I think I keep private, will remain private.
That's about it.
And IF I can be at help, the government or military or whatever institution may ASK if they can track my conversations etc...and IF I really seem like a bad person they may spy on me as much as they please. But get the fuck out of here if I am not on the black-list.
Thank you very much.
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