Sunday, January 25, 2009

Kesh, Towis och Skymningsljus - ett brev, tre flickor

Tre älskade själasystrar
Trollsländor och irrbloss ur mitt förflutna, som jag aldrig för en sekund lämnade i ord och tanke, men som jag likväl aldrig fått förmånen att hålla om i mer än flyende sekunder.

Jag har varit berusat förälskad i er alla.
I era sagor, väsen, sneda ögon och trasiga kanter.
Jag sitter inatt och läser gamla brev, kopierar och länkar samman i långa dokument. Fäller lite tårar, strör lite fnitter omkring mig och skrapar mig tillbaka till 2003-2004. Längre än så. 99?! Få känner min historia bättre än de system som skickat mina ord till er.

Vackra Anneli, som ödet för oss från varandra, först bodde du i Sthlm, jag i Malmö, sedan jag i Sthlm, du i Åre, nu jag i Östersund och du i Sthlm. Jag vrider mig i skratt, sneglar på sj's hemsida men väntar lite. Vi dansar tillsammans snart igen. Jag vet det. Med våren. Som i Kristianstad, minns du. Svettig lycka. Få, gripbara minnen. Men mest breven. Från Australien. Du bar mig genom den jobbigaste tiden i mitt liv. Jag älskar dig alltid, dig och ditt ostyriga hår. Dig och det du åstadkommer.

Amelie, ljuset i skymningslandet. Kom hit, kom hit, vårt möte i somras var alltför kort och mina tankar slog knut på sig själva. Jag är bara en envis, klättrande Sol. Jag söker en platå. Kanske har jag funnit den, så kom dansa med mig här. Jag har fällt tårar över dig, längtat mig galen efter dig, stängt av dig. Du bränns, för att du brinner. Glöm aldrig det =) Vackra, vackra dimhöjda du.

Och Kesh. Lisa.
Du är kvar. Du kommer till mig sist. Fortfarande osedd. Orörd.
Innan januari är slut? Inom en vecka? Jag vågar inte tro på det. Är vi redo nu? Jag har läst brottstycken ur våra irrande, skälvande samtal inatt. Spröda trådar av inget och allt. Virvelvindar, sångfåglar och korpungar. Vi. Jag försöker minnas var du dök upp, men finner inte ursprunget till den tillit som rinner som en fjällbäck mellan oss. Det är som om du har varit där från början. Som en brännande saknad.
Kommer du hit låter jag dig förmodligen inte resa åter. Vågar du, verkligen?
Vågar jag? Kommer slingor ur ditt hår blandas med mitt mörka trassel, tills våra tankar väver galna mönster som vi aldrig mer kommer att kunna knyta upp? Eller blir vi klara som kristall? Rena, skimrande och lugna?

Ni ekar i mig. Jag tror att jag föds där era fotspår och skuggor möts. Kanske är jag intet annat. Än en reflektion.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Vote for Empty Street on p4 Södermanland!

Help me reach the top of a main radio chart in Sweden! Vote with maximum 1 sms/week. Friday 11.00 until Wednesday 24.00. Send this line with the space kept between P4sörm and 6:

P4sörm 6

to number: 72250 (If you live outside of sweden: 004672250)
I guess P4sorm 6 works if your phone doesn't have an "ö".

Here's a link to the radiochannels web site:
P4 Södermanland.

Help me do this!!!


Thursday, January 22, 2009

I hit Swedish radio p4 Södermanland tomorrow 12.00

I'll add a phonenumber here that you should please please send an SMS to, so that I can stay in the newly added music chart for a maximum of 10 weeks, I never needed you so much as now!

Thanks for everything and I hope you'll be with me on this one!


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Feel me (recorded while writing a new song)

Two untied shoes, lying around I guess they miss you too
We sit alone and  watch the moon.

Two empty boots, I put my feet in them and dance for two
Nobody moves me like you do

One crazy fool, I walk the streets and my feet are super hugh

I can imagine how it feels to be you

Feel me, although Im just a silly girl and
Feel me Im unarmed

Two shallow wounds, I dont plan to sew them, they are open for you
Consider me a door to your own room

Feel me, although Im just a silly girl and
Feel me Im unarmed
Feel me, although I dont come here so often
Id like to be brought along


 I did record it properly too tonight, but I'll add some brass to it and stuff, so It'll take sometime before it gets out there...


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Interview at a local magazine and words of wisdom

So, today I have done my first interview with a Swedish magazine 100%Östersund. It felt good, I enjoyed myself and I think I can get used to this ;) Seriously, I realized once again what a trip I've made since 2000 and I tried to draw attention to the persons who have supported me and my music. And actually, I think she understood me and what I try to achieve. It was a smart chick asking just the right questions. And I hope I did push the right buttons. And that I managed to NOT speak about certain things, even if I stumbled once, but I changed the subject kinda smooth...

Some things are not to be explained. Not by other fingertips than mine. And certainly not at this point in my so called career. Or life. Or whatever.

Truthful but not unwise.

Ooooh, and I will be able to shoot my Intuition movie in the most beautiful surrounding ever. Thanks to the artist Fredrik Wretman.

Happy happy me.

I'll get back to this later...

Ahm, I just had to copy this from my friend Emma =)

Goodnight, see ya at bambuser :P

Monday, January 12, 2009

Tomorrow my dear Marika goes here =)

Tomorrow we'll work out everything for my new video, that we will shoot the first section of on Wednesday. I am so exited. I'll spend the night over at the studio today, I have som e recordings to do, and I just finished the press release list, so I better get to work and write those emails...

Hupp, that's all for now. I'll upload some new photo sessions in the end of this week, so if you have any suggestions, hit me ;)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

To cold to walk home

I'm kinda stuck here.
15 minutes from my apartment. I forgot I got here in a warm car, in inside-door-clothes. So am I gonna crash here tonight again?

I donknow. But I do know now I get my mac back on friday! =) Happy me :P Then it's into business!

Just delivered some finished work to people here and there. Gonna finish here and see what happens.


See ya!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

When there's only me

It's been a beautiful day.
I made some new contacts, I am invited to a couple of nice new friends this weekend and had a wonderful playful time in the swimming-house (do you call it that?) this morning. I've felt alive and awake and christal clear.

Maybe it's just that the hour passed midnight again
And I'm still so awake awake awake.

A soft trip of loneliness comes crawling, we say hello - nothing more. Old friends, but never lovers. Again - there's only me. I'm like that. Klink-plink. And a piano. A beautiful one - at least...

Mattias told me goodnight 2 hours ago, we spent 3 hours on the phone.
He spoke about love, the beauty of the woman body, about us.
I reply uhm, mmm, ammm, said somthing "wise and optimistic" about longing and friendship and then uhm again.

I have walked through a door, into a world I felt might fit me better. I have wild nature here, a small universe to share, filled with music and a gentle touch now and then. Maybe I grow old before I bump out of it and find that only 10 minutes have passed in the outside world, maybe I trip and fall out of the wardrobe much earlier. I don't know exactly what my mission are, what I am assumed to bring here or not, I just felt these streets calling for me even before I got here, that I couldn't resist. So I decided to move here in August, and here I stand now.

I have spent some days and nights thinking and feeling.
I'm ready to make a room here now, for myself. To get attached.
Vulnerable and at the same time stronger. Wiser. More sad. Happier.
I'm like a guitar. I can play my strings and create vibrating sounds, that echoes from inside.

I listen to my voice
It sounds different now, in this late hour
The Sol Skugga voice.
She sings something about empty shoes. I smile.
Me and the objects surrounding me. A quiet understanding. Truth.
This studio knows me by now.
It says knick-knack-tip and tells me to feel safe and calm.
Embraces me like a big hug.

- It's okay if you rest for a while. Not to long though sweet sunshine.
- Don't worry I reply, I'm on my way. I've had my pause.
I'll go out there to kick some stones rolling again.
To do my things. To stay occupied, some more years. I promise not to fall asleep. I am still fast. I can run away from that mad tiredness. By the way, I feel wide awake. Really. Don't worry, I handle myself.

Oh well dear diary.
Same same.
Yes, things have changed, but there's still only me. Walking this road, but with pleasant company in reach.

Sugar dripping on my inside.

I'd go around the world for you, if needed; I heard it twice today, from two of my best friends. How come I deserve so much love?

Fake it til you make it
I wrote it in my hand, on my arm
Practise makes perfect

Am I?

I hope not.
Uhh, gotta sleep now.
In the best sofa ever ;OP