Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I just finished the outro for Gardenia. It sounds like a "speldosa" song. I don't know the word in English, you know one of those small, small jewel cases that comes with a song when you open it? Dinge-linge-ting kinda sound.

It's dark here, though it's snowing outside. The very first, pure snow. Winter.

I leave this place on Monday. Oh, hum...
My thoughts are slippery right now.

I guess I just wanted to say hello, I'm here, still alive. Had a beautiful night by my self yesterday. I believe I'm heading towards that little house in the countryside. For a while.

Where are you going?

Friday, October 24, 2008

Oh man I am so tired

I don't see any difference between night and day, Saturdays or Mondays. I just finished a 48hours trip with a webpage, now I am working with the booklet for Gardenia, writing lyrics and re-touching the last pictures for the cover etc. Tomorrow will be a night of in Hackås with Mattias, I really really look forward to NOT work at all.

Oh, so what more?

The book about my life is growing. I have once again found some space to write on it, and this time I think I can manage the transparency that will be needed to finish it.

Love ya all very much, I just have to stay "off-line" and focus on my health a bit longer, so I don't loose my mind completely.

I hope you are having a wonderful autumn out there, don't forget the details ;)


Monday, October 20, 2008

Another review and something funny

Here's another review of Swimming without webbed toes.

Just a funny thing.

I have now met two guys both involved working with my first album. I think god made a decision to make a joke about the title of my first album, and he succeeded =) They both have webbed toes...

I'm now on my way to the train to Gränsfors and Thomas. Will record fiddle, some guitars and things on my last songs, then it's finished =)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Staffan Österlind in interview tonight

Visit tonight at 20.00 and pay attention to my lead guitarist and co-producer Staffan Österlind. When you're at it, visit him at and check him out. He's an amazing musician and person in many ways...

If you stick around you might hear some Sol Skugga tunes in that interview as well ;)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Min dagbok för 2005-2006

Finns nu tillgänglig här:

Dagbok 2005-2006 för allmän beaktan

Jobbar för fullt med mitt album nu och hinner inte vara närvarande i etern. Mkt nöje.

Thursday, October 9, 2008



Vi driver ett produktions och digital-promotion företag som är under uppstart och kör igång med en ny site i början av det nya året. Vi kommer att kunna erbjuda osingade så som signade band en plan som inkluderar allt från mixning, mastring och layout, till skivsläpp, ditstibution över nya mediakanaler på nätet samt tipps och trix längs vägen. Tanken är att ge ER alla verktyg som behövs för att driva er musik så långt som möjligt, i en trevlig förpackning som gör att ni slipper ägna timmar åt att jaga rätt kanaler/kontakter etc på nätet. Hjälp till självhjälp helt enkelt.

Innan den nya siten är igång på allvar, där ni kan skräddarsy den hjälp ni behöver, kommer vi att ta mindre uppdrag inom layout, webb, mixning, mastring samt recensering.

Välkomna till och kika under fliken we wanna help you =)


Accented Studios

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I just finished my business-plan for Accented. It will take about 5 month to finish the beta-release of the site I will develop. And about a year to have it up and running as a complete service doing what I have now decided it shall do.

So, after 4 years of thinking and thinking, moving to Stockholm and meeting Mattias, suddenly made me realize what it is I wanna do. What I can use the dust in my pockets for.

More info will come.

Tomorrow I leave for Östersund and this month will be dedicated to finish my second album and get it out there. November and December will be papers, words, phone calls and going back to object oriented design maps, RUP and SQL-queries. I'll be a data-nerd again.

It's all about sharing, action and reaction.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

My life at the moment

A home filled with music, warmth, 4 handed piano play, buss trips without destination. Rain that makes me smile, a playful hand in mine and I am free to give away as many hugs as I can possibly give away. Soft conversations and free space to breath.

I've had one week of holiday. I've managed to build a pure ground.
I don't know what I am heading towards. But I know what I have and what I wait for. What I am so carefully shaping my life after.

I have made my decision.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Autumn leaf

First: there's gonna be weekly updates on, so keep an eye over there if you laiiiik toooo.

I woke up early.
I tasted the smell of autumn leaves under my feet.
I felt the strength but also the weakness of a new day in the air.
Breath in breath out.

Opening my e-mail.
13 new bands that are interested in my helping them out in different ways.
This thing might really work!
I just have to organize some more.
Find the time, the love and the focus.

I know I'm completely alone, more alone then ever today, although I'm surrounded by the best of friends and though we are now 2 persons in my company.

It's ok.

I went to a movie yesterday.

Patrik 1.5

It was like opening a window to my past.
The dreams I had.
The words I were exposed to.

I have a huge huuuuge longing to take care of lost persons.
Lonely and disjointed persons.
I spent years doing this.

In this movie though, it worked.
The persons involved were fragile, but not broken.
Strong but sad.
I still wanna go there one day.
With my new insights.

I will teach. Eventually.
I will build a place for hungry souls. Abroad or in Sweden.
I need to feed dying plants before they fade, before they turn into werewolves and can no longer be kept safe. Someday.

But not today. I am still not finished.
I still have to fall apart, let go of the leafs on my branches and learn what's inside.
I still have a gap that I have to rebuild, so no one else can find it and fill it with crap and dirt.
But I'm on my way.
I'm on my way.

I see myself.

Med ögon känsliga för grönt

Me and Mattias having a home-jam-session =)